The Cosmic Multiperspective Event Tracker (CoMET) is the name given by the Astroparticle Physics group at Linnaeus University (Linnéuniversitetet) in Växjö (Småland, Sweden) to an R&D project aiming for an optimal wide field of view gamma-ray detection technique, using new ideas.
CoMET belongs to the family of efforts made in the field of Earth-based gamma-ray astronomy. Observing gamma rays from the ground with particle detectors allows to study the energetic gamma-ray sky 24h/day with no interruptions. Atmospheric Cherenkov light detectors instead are highly sensitive, but can only work during darkness and good weather conditions.
The picture above shows the CoMET detection units currently in operation at Linnaeus University in Växjö, Sweden.
The CoMET project is currently in the exploratory phase, in which we operate several detector prototypes on a long time period to assess the reliability of our hardware choices. At the same time, we perform massive Monte Carlo simulations to study the performance of the proposed detector array.
For any enquiry about the project or if you or your research group are interested in working with us, contact the project leader Yvonne Becherini.
For information about the other activities of the Gamma-ray research group at Linnaeus University, please visit also